Dr. Dhillon
Strategic Coach
You invest in your business and your professional skills but do you invest in the most important part of your business, you?
Strategic coaching is a user’s manual for you and the resources you need to achieve what you haven’t been able to conceive. If you could have done it yourself, you would have already done it.
Dr. Bikram Dhillon – My Story
I was a student of value before I became a physician. As a physician I have sought to add value to the lives of my patients. As an Emergency Physician by training and a former military physician, I focused on adding years of life when able and years of health when possible. As a student of value and with administrative and public health training, I explored how systems can both add value and deprive us of value.
Some of those systems are external to you: the medical, financial, and social systems you live in. Some of those systems are internal to you: your unique construction of the way the world works and the frameworks and filters you use to build that view of the world. I have found that the greatest gift I have to give is the desire and the ability to help sincere and determined individuals navigate this complex construction that is you.
Well To Excel is my answer to the question of how you might first avoid losing value that you stand to lose… and then to capture as much value as is available to you in this one life you call your own.
Why Work With Me?
We leave no stone unturned. Getting to know you in the complexity of your unique construction is more than your psychology. It’s also about the assumptions that contribute to your psychology and the tendencies that inform it. It’s not a question of who you are. It’s a question of who you are in relation to your world and the possibilities you have come to believe are available to you. It’s a question of the goals you have allowed yourself to envision and those you have failed to envision.
But let’s also ask why you shouldn’t work with me. You should not work with me if you are attached to your limitations. You should not work with me if easy answers are more comforting for you. You should not work with me if you want to ponder your condition rather than acting to change it.
Finally, you should not work with me if you don’t want to put in the hard work of building toward your potential. If you do want to explore an individually tailored solution that is structured and actionable yet flexible and adaptive, then maybe we should talk.
What Can I Do For Your Business?
Mindset Coaching
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We each exist in worlds of our own creation. Your reality is a layered and integrated set of assumptions of the way the world works that you have vetted for yourself. Each level of your construction is informed by the frameworks that you have accepted and those that you have rejected. How did you decide which framework was valid? Is it still valid? Who have you delegated to filter the information and the structures of information that you consider relevant? Is it possible that certain roadblocks you face are only impediments because of the way you have structured the dilemma? How do you find a relevant structure that can inform your reality? How much of your reality are you projecting onto others? Is that helpful? Changing your mindset effectively is about encountering a helpful model that addresses the particular dilemma you are facing at any given time…. the right model for the right situation.
Preventive Medicine
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While mindset coaching and integrated, adaptable action plans are the daily work that speeds your progress, preventive medicine is the wind at your back and the road crew that smooths the path ahead of you. Nothing will set you back as much as poor health. Failing to make this investment can compromise all your other progress. Implementing habits that increase your probability of living a longer, healthier life only helps if you do them early and do them consistently. Greater energy, mental acuity, more rapid recovery and decreased stress all contribute to your success in ways that cannot be reproduced by any other part of the planning process. When you work, your plan can work, and it can work more effectively.
Action Plan
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For an action plan to be efficient and effective it needs to be integrated. Does your action plan brings multiple goals together into smaller subsets of action? Does it prepare for anticipated next actions while addressing current needs. An action plan that meets these needs is so deeply individualized that it speeds movement through process, accomplishing more in a year than otherwise might happen over a decade, if ever. The key is to begin with granular assessments and move forward in a structured way that you can test yourself for adjustments that need to be made in order to revise the plan at the next meeting.
Financial Planning
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Planning for success without financial planning is a failure to appreciate the opportunities that your success will open to you. Planning for success is about planning for the needs that your future you will likely have, not those that you presently have. The habit of empathy for our future self is not a capacity that we naturally possess. Financial planning is not just about you planning for the needs you can foresee. Financial planning is about guidance in anticipating needs and liabilities that you might not yet conceive of. It is also about implementing those plans in ways that allow you to focus your energies on your journey and your success. Spectacular success is about assembling allies who help you grow your pie by focusing on your journey.
1900 E. Golf Rd. Suite 950, Schaumburg, IL 60173